About Rita Suzanne

Rita Suzanne mom owned operated brand strategist
Interview with:
Rita Suzanne
16, 15, 14, 13 (two boys, two girls)
Business name:
Rita Suzanne + Mom Owned and Operated
How did you come up with the name for your business?
My design business started with my former married name but after my divorce I had to re-brand. Instead of having to re-brand again, I decided to just use my middle name going forward.

Tell us about your business.

I'm a brand strategist and business growth expert. My passion lies in helping entrepreneurs, especially women, build magnetic brands, create irresistible offers, and dominate their niche through smart SEO strategies. Having designed websites since 2014, I understand the technical side, but believe that crafting a compelling brand identity and reaching the right audience are the true keys to success.

What or who has been your greatest influence in business and why?

My clients are my biggest inspiration. Seeing them transform their businesses, gain confidence, and achieve their goals fuels my drive to help more people do the same.

What would you say is your greatest business success to date?

While I've been blessed with many successes, witnessing the tangible impact I have on my clients' lives and businesses stands out the most. Seeing them increase sales, attract dream clients, and gain the freedom they longed for is truly rewarding.

What is the greatest obstacle you have faced in your business?

Finding the right balance between offering done-for-you services and empowering clients through education was initially tricky. I wanted to provide both hands-on support and the tools for long-term success. I've honed my offerings to achieve the perfect mix.

What are the things that help you stay organized and get things done?

I have tried all of the project management systems and ClickUp has been working well for me - find one and make it work. I also use Google Drive to organize all of my clients projects and documents. I also use checklists as well. I like to have my house clean and clutter free which can be challenging with four kids. I used to assign chores but I have changed things around so they are actively cleaning up after themselves. The one thing that I need to get better at is meal planning. A good friend recommended eMeals so I'm going to check that out.

Since you are also a mom, how do you balance everything?

As a busy mom, finding a work-life balance is a constant challenge. I prioritize quality time with my kids, which sometimes means working odd hours, but I'm committed to making both motherhood and my business thrive.

Do you think being a mom has helped you with the success of your business? if so, how?

My kids are my biggest "why". I want them to witness the power of pursuing your dreams and building something meaningful. Their support and belief in me keep me determined and focused.

What advice would you give to other moms who dream about starting their own business, but they don’t think they can do it all?

Three things: 1. Start Small, Scale Up: Don't feel pressured to have everything figured out from day one. Consistent growth is key! 2. Seek Support: Build a network of mentors and fellow entrepreneurs for guidance and encouragement. 3. Embrace Flexibility: Your business will adapt and evolve along with your life – embrace the journey!

Do you have any stories you’d like to share that may amuse, entertain or inspire others?

One of the best things that happened to me was when I was challenged to get on Periscope for one week straight. I was so nervous even though I had very little followers. I did it and each time it got easier and easier. I knew I was over that fear when I was speaking on video in front of a group of prominent women, then at the end the boys jumped in the video. I laughed and didn't even obsess about it at all. 😉

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