You are a business owner who is also a mom.

You started your business out of necessity, passion, or for freedom.

Mom Owned and Operated was created to elevate and empower mom business owners.

One thing that most business owners have in common is that they underestimate how challenging it is going to be to do it all. You can hire a team (and you should) but the one thing that will elevate your business is focus.

When you started your own business it was probably to achieve time and financial freedom. It feels so great to not have to depend on anyone else.

But you had no idea how hard it was going to be to start, maintain, and scale your business. A solid support system will help you no matter where you are right now. And no one understands a mom like another mom.

You need support. So where do you start?

It all starts with surrounding yourself with other like minded people going through or having been through the same journey. Here’s how we do it:

  • Subscribe to the podcast. It comes out every Friday. The episodes are close to 30 minutes long and give you a glimpse into how other moms are doing raising a family, running a business and remembering themselves.
  • Join the free community. Come and join me and other aspiring and established women business owners in the free community.
  • sign up for free weekly networking. Participate in our virtual networking events to expand your network, collaborate with other women entrepreneurs, and celebrate your wins.

Mom Owned and Operated was founded on a simple but powerful mission: to support moms in business. By joining our community, you’re not only investing in yourself but also helping other moms achieve their entrepreneurial dreams.


About Rita Suzanne

Mom business owner since 2014.

Rita Suzanne is a business growth strategist and marketing expert dedicated to empowering ambitious entrepreneurs build profitable, sustainable businesses. As a mom of four who’s overcome divorce and personal challenges, she’s passionate about building a community where moms in business can thrive.

Ready to elevate your mom-run business?