Marion Ninkyl

Being an Advocate for Your Children with Marion Ninkyl

About the episode

In this episode of the Mom Owned and Operated podcast, Rita Suzanne and Marion Ninkyl discuss raising a family, running a business and remembering yourself.

Marion Ninkyi is a wife and mom of 3 beautiful children. You Are Advocate Worthy was inspired by her own experience as a special needs mom advocating for her children in the health and education sector. When she was having a hard time navigating the emotional toll it was taking on her looking for resources that would work for her children, she realized she wasn’t the only one. 

With her experience in setting her children up for success by advocating the improvement of their healthcare and education, she is able to coach other parents to have the confidence to do all they can to do the same. 

It is her passion to help families grow stronger bonds by parents learning to become rockstar advocates. 

When she is not coaching, she is teaching others about the Bible, spending time with family and friends, sewing and reading. 

Listen to more interviews by visiting and apply to work with Rita at

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Show Notes


Rita Suzanne, Marion Ninkyl

Rita Suzanne  00:01

Welcome to the mom owned and operated Podcast, the podcast about moms and for moms, where we have candid conversations about running a business, raising a family, and remembering ourselves. I’m your host, Rita Suzanne, a single mom of four, digital strategist and provider of no nonsense business strategies and tactics. Hi, this is Rita Suzanne. And today I have my guest Marian with me, Mary, and I’m so excited to have you on so we can talk more about you, your family and your business. So please tell us all the things.

Marion Ninkyl  00:39

Right, thank you for having me, my name is Marian Vinci, and I’m the founder and CEO of you are advocate worthy. I’m a mom and a wife, my kids, I have three kids. One is five, seven, and three. So it’s busy over here. And you know, it’s it’s nonstop, never a dull moment, actually. So I, my business is your advocate worthy, as I mentioned before, where we help parents learn how to advocate for their children by enhancing the quality of their health care, and education. And I was inspired by this because my own experience as a Special Needs Moms, mom helped me to see a lot more behind the scenes of us, you know, what other special needs parents go through. And so when I couldn’t find the answers that I was looking for, and actually from the people that were supposed to help me, I was frustrated and stressed out. So over time, I met other special needs parents, and I realized that they were not like aware of a lot of resources that children could benefit from. And I felt determined to look for ways to change that narrative. And I want with this coaching business, I want to help parents transform their mindset and know that they have a right to be heard and obtain, you know, to attain the resources that child needs. And that’s what you are advocate worthy. Like, that’s why it was born because I want to create a safe space for parents to learn how to advocate advocate for their child with confidence and not back down and decrease.

Rita Suzanne  02:24

Yeah, and as I mentioned to you, and how most people know my youngest son has epilepsy, and he needed an IEP. And so I was, you know, I didn’t really know anything about how to do any of that or, or even like advocating for his care. In one instance, he his epilepsy just started out of nowhere, there’s no rhyme, no reason. And for two years, it was just Medicaid, Medicaid, Medicaid, they did a lot of testing. But then all of a sudden, they wanted to do a brain surgery. And it was more like exploratory, like, Yeah, we’re gonna get in there, see what’s going on. We’ll put some, you know, these things on there and in and test it out. And I was just absolutely, I was like, Absolutely not. And the first the feeling that I had was like I was the bad guy, because that’s the way they make you feel. So can you tell us, like your experiences, like even going through the IEP experience was challenging, because, you know, it’s a it’s a hassle for the education system?

Marion Ninkyl  03:35

Yeah. So when my son, he was two years old, when I noticed that he wasn’t speaking as much as other kids. Actually, I didn’t, I didn’t realize it at that point. But the first time he said Mommy was not nine months, and he didn’t say it again. And so I didn’t realize that was an issue, you know, because I was a first time mom, and I didn’t know a lot of things that I know now. But I went to his doctor and asked for a referral. And she referred me to an early intervention program. And my husband, we were able to check, choose the agency that best fit his needs and my son’s needs. And so when it came time for him to transition on the aged out of that, and he was transitioning into the school, I was again by myself, you know, my husband was working, I was a stay at home mom. I had a daughter weeks in the NICU. And so dealing with that, and then having my son who needed extra help. It was it was very overwhelming. So when I was sitting in the IEP meetings, I would just go ahead and go along with at first actually, to be honest, I felt so devastated that they said he had a language delay. Yeah, even though I knew he was being helped through the early intervention, but for them to evaluate him and then have all this data and then just say he needs this and it was very old. whelming and devastating because now I have another kid that has special needs. And I never saw that for myself ever. And so once they told me all of that, I just let them tell me what he was gonna tell them because I did not know I had a lot of rights. I mean, I didn’t have time to read the parent’s rights, like, you know, it was so much going on. So as time went on, when it when it comes to the IEP, I found out that I can hire an advocate to help me. So I mean, even though I’m advocating for my son, I needed a reinforcement to help me understand a lot of things that I didn’t know. And so I was able, she gave me a consultation, and she told me like, these are just basic goals, like, he can be doing so much more. And so once she helped me, he did it. And she and I wanted to say this, too, a lot of people think that advocates are very, like, confrontational and everything. But she was very, very collaborative with the teachers. And she helped me realize that we, and I didn’t know this either. When I first started, but the teeth the team is there for the child. Of course, I knew that because that’s my child, but the everybody’s goal should be to take, make sure that my son is okay. So we’re supposed to be on a team to help him. So that’s what my advocate helped me to see. And she, and because we were on that mindset, we went into the meetings with less tension. And the teachers were more willing to help they listen more, they respected my wishes, because we were in constant communication anyway, with the teachers, and coming in with, you know, a lot of hear a lot of people complaining that the teachers did this, this this and, you know, knowing your rights helps a lot. And showing that you’re prepared helps tremendous, tremendously. And so once I did, once I hired someone, and they helped me, we made we were able to create goals that would benefit my son, and for him to progress. Well. And he is he has done so well. I honestly think that he I don’t know what would happen if I didn’t, didn’t hire someone to help me. But I’m noticing that he’s progressing at a faster rate, especially during the pandemic, like a lot of kids are behind. Because, you know, everything just stopped. And I was scared that he regressed. But he did way better than I thought he was. And now he’s on his way to reading past his grade level. And he loves to have chats with us. And he is like, he’s a deep thinker, and he’s only seven years old. You know, and he keeps us on us on our toes. He’s still just getting the help he needs, but more so for reading and he loves math. And you know, so I’m, I’m grateful that my husband and I took the steps we needed when he when we noticed that and I forgot to mention that he did call me mommy at the age of three. And that was after he started his services. And he hasn’t stopped calling me most. Mommy, different variations everything. Yes. Yeah. So

Rita Suzanne  08:26

that’s that it’s so interesting. I did not know that you could hire an advocate as I go between I went through all of the meetings with my son’s team and, and I will say that they did a very good job trying to collaborate all everything together and asked me what were the goals for him and my son, even though he has epilepsy, he has a type of epilepsy. So every time he has a seizure, he regresses some, so he can remember something today have a seizure, and then it would kind of be hard for him to remember it after that. So that makes his learning especially challenging sometimes. And even when he was younger, I noticed that he had kind of a speech, I want to say impediment, but there were there were some signs of speech delay, like there were some words that he had a trouble saying. And also he wasn’t enunciating and so people would have a hard time understanding him, but I understood him. So I didn’t think it was a thing until he was in first grade. And they were like, yeah, he needs some kind of intervention. So the school was the one who actually brought that to my attention. And that was before he even had a seizure. But the speech thing was there. I just didn’t. I just thought, you know, like he was my youngest that that I kind of thought like it was kind of cute and endearing. Right.

Marion Ninkyl  09:55

Yeah, and I sometimes you’re in denial too. Like sometimes you like You know, certain, like, certain family like, Oh, we don’t have that in our family, you know. So that’s that it kind of does the child a disservice. But, but at the same time too, because you understood him, you didn’t think anything of it as well. But I’m glad you listen to the teachers because you see how it’s it’s helped him a lot. Right? Yeah,

Rita Suzanne  10:21

it definitely helped him. And then as he’s, you know, gotten first he started with the what’s the other one? The not the IEP? The other one? It’s like, the lower tier one something II? Oh, 5040504? Yes. Yeah, it started with a 504. And that was just for testing. And then it was it came to our, you know, attention last year that he really needed the IEP and for them to then evaluate him and say that he needed to be in special classes. I, when I tell you, I understand what you were saying I was devastated. Right. Because in my mind, when I went to school, and a kid was in like special classes, they isolated them, they, they, they kept them separate. They don’t do that now, thankfully, but I just was worried about how it was going to impact like his self esteem and other you know, long term, you know, problems that he may have had. But he’s doing really well. Now, I think it depends on the school. And then once they I think once they start to see that they’re getting the support and the care that they need, it does help them to thrive, and you know, and be a lot better. So I’m glad that your son is, you know, is much better as well. And I love that you’re helping other moms because, or even other parents because I you know, it’s much needed.

Marion Ninkyl  11:47

Yes, definitely. And as, as I’m sharing a lot more of my story, I’m getting, I’m receiving the same thing, hearing other people’s story and from people from friends that I’ve had, and they’re sharing their struggles, too. And I’m, and it makes me kind of sad, in a way. But I’m kind of happy because I want to help and I want to be that listening ear. Because as a special needs parent, you know, a parent with a child with special needs, you don’t know who was going to really understand what you’re going through unless the person has been in it. It has gone through it. And that’s why I want to help more parents to know that there is someone that you have your family, you have your friends, but if nothing is, feels, you know best, nothing feels more great than just listening to someone who’s been through it. And then that’s why I provide this coaching program provides.

Rita Suzanne  12:48

Yeah, I think that I always say like, nobody understands what it’s like to be a mom except another mom. Right? And so I think that goes hand in hand with what you’re offering nothing. Nobody understands the needs of you know, a child who is struggling like another mom who’s been in a similar situation. So I think that it’s super important. What do you think is like what have you seen as the biggest benefit to the families that you’re that you’re helping? Right?

Marion Ninkyl  13:19

So the biggest benefit for the families that we’re helping, they’re able to have, if, if at all, a weight taken off their shoulders, because they they’re not spending so much time like spinning their wheels, trying to find the answers, you know, and it definitely improves the family life because like when you’re a parent, you know, you end up having to look up the ration research programs, make appointments, speak with someone during the time you have to go to work or during your lunch hour does take a lot of your time and energy you don’t even have enough time to celebrate the small wins that your child has that you know, like they said hi on, on on cue appropriately, you know, you didn’t have the time to realize that you know, and that’s why I teach to to celebrate the small wins because it just helps the overall morale of the whole family like the whole self esteem and everything because we can only do so much and your child’s they’re doing their best with what they’re what they have going on. And so definitely improves the quality family quality time spending more time with the family. And the additional help that I offer I do most of the time consuming work, you know, so I also provide the space for the you know, family to be the parent mom or dad to to be vulnerable and and I learned my listening ear when they feel like they don’t really have that. And you know, like I mentioned before who better to vent to than someone who’s been in issues and learn to navigate through those feelings. So

Rita Suzanne  14:54

yeah, and I think that that’s super helpful because I don’t know a lot of people know Who can understand, you know, the situation that I was like thrust into even his father, he doesn’t deal, we’re not together, but he doesn’t deal with any of the doctor’s appointments or any of that stuff. I’m the one taking him. I’m the one who’s doing all this stuff. And, you know, I’ll just go back to him and give him updates, but he doesn’t have to really deal with any of that stuff in any of the decisions, which is, you know, it’s definitely not fair, it’s definitely challenging,

Marion Ninkyl  15:33

definitely is stressful, because even if your child that didn’t have the additional services, that’s how life would be, right? Anyway, you know, um, you know, unfortunately, but that’s just like, we all kind of going through that same thing. So it’s not really right. To navigate around, if that makes sense.

Rita Suzanne  15:51

No, I get it. But it’s just, you know, what I mean, it’s, you know, it’s just an added thing that I have to be responsible for, I have to be the one who’s doing all of the things. And so having somebody else to talk to who I’m not educating, you know, what I mean, is really helpful. And so tell tell us more about the actual services that you’re providing, because it is it just coaching or I don’t want to say just but tell us more.

Marion Ninkyl  16:27

So we offer two programs is a six week program, where we do, we call it the accountability program. So we guide the mom or, or dad, the parent on steps to take to start the process of obtaining, like referrals for specialists, prepare for IEP meetings, research, we like resources that they’re talking benefit, and weekly, we talk about their week and discuss ways to navigate through the things that come up. Throughout the time that we’re together, the 12 week program is like do it for you is called called the rock star and the program where we do the work for you. And that is same as saves time for the parent to they don’t have to search for too many answers. We talk about what their needs are, we follow up on referrals that they they’ve been waiting on. And then we provide tools for IP organization, like, like I mentioned before, when when the donor school sees that you’re prepared, and you’re on top of things, it kind of puts fire under them to do the same. So having like all you’re having an IEP binder or notebook, so we guide you through that, and we actually set it up for you, and then help you to maintain the organization. And then we design our self care plan, because as parents, we tend to forget that we need rest to we deserve relaxation. And even if it’s just for a few minutes, like we really tailor the program to each family in a way that will benefit them because every parent has different goals for their family. And we want to really respect that because, you know, it’s it’s very much needed, like and like you mentioned, you know, it is nice to talk to somebody not having to educate them on your, your, your child’s condition, or that your child is going through this or you’re going through that. So just having a listening ear to someone who’s been there is what we really want to put out there.

Rita Suzanne  18:30

I love that you’re helping them with like research, and you’re putting all that stuff together? Because my question was going to be like, are you state specific, right, because each state probably has different programs and things. And so your for your 12 week program, you’re actually researching and figuring out what is necessary for their particular area.

Marion Ninkyl  18:51

Right? Yeah, for example, I have a client who is looking to build a community, a small community of parents that have special needs children, so that they can kind of collaborate and if somebody needs someone to watch their kid, they can they can step up and help you know, that kind of thing. So we signed up for a 12 week program. So that’s what I’m going to be helping him to do, and also looking for different and he also needs someone to watch his son, and he’s been trying himself, but I have a few ideas that I’m going to be sharing with him to see get more information on what he needs. So we haven’t gone in depth yet, but he did tell me what he needed. And so that’s, I mean, just giving that example of something unique, in a way because a lot of people like if you’re in an area where you don’t you just move to that area actually. So just to help him to gather just a few families to you know, to help him get acclimated to the area. That’s, that’s one of the things we do so

Rita Suzanne  19:55

I love that and sidenote, my sister is also a Um, I was born prematurely. And so she’s like, 90%, blind, and she has, you know, learning disabilities and things as well. And so my mom cares for her. And so she, I always watched my mom go through that same process, like, you know, struggling trying to figure out what program she could get my sister into what she could do to help her. And even now, my mom’s struggles with getting, like, because she’s the primary caregiver, but she also can get a babysitter for her so that my mom can get out because my sister requires our care. But she struggled so hard to getting a babysitter to just come and watch my sister who really needs no care, she just needs an adult in the room.

Marion Ninkyl  20:47

Yeah, and, and I remember when, before my daughter was diagnosed with autism, she had, she was already she, she had, she already had a Global Developmental Delay, because she was 24 weaker. And she was in the NICU, she had a trach and vent, so it kind of delayed her development quite a bit. And so when I worked, when I was working full time, it was hard to find someone, it was hard to find, like a camp or something because they’d say, Oh, we we, we don’t, we need you to have a diagnosis, we need a is mostly for like autism, and everything, she didn’t really have a concrete diagnosis. So it is beneficial to have that to have that. Because then you know, you can, it’s easier to find programs that cater to that specific group of children with special needs. So it is a it is a any when I tried to find a place, they would say, they don’t really want to say, we don’t take care of kids, they usually just say like, you know, we don’t have anyone that’s trained. You know, and so, so that’s one of the one of the struggles a lot of parents go through too. So. So if your mom did well, when she like, was able to find someone for your for your sister, I’m sure that helped her a lot. It does. I

Rita Suzanne  22:16

mean, she’s still she’s struggles with it. But you know, it’s, you know, it’s it’s challenging, I think, at any age, regardless, you know, of this situation. And I think that having someone who they can lean on and help with resources, I think that that’s so important. I know that one time, my son was in the hospital, and just getting testing, and so many social workers and people came down to, like, offer their services, and it was so overwhelming. But at one point, I remember one of them called me and they offered that advocate, advocating for me, and they would call me every couple of weeks and say, Do you need any appointments scheduled? How was he on his medicine, you know, all of these things. And I was like, Oh, my gosh, this is so helpful. You know,

Marion Ninkyl  23:07

we needed that. And so that’s

Rita Suzanne  23:10

great, because I was doing it all by myself and and then when I switched his hospitals, they don’t they don’t do the same thing. But the carer at the other hospital is better for him. So you know, but I love that service. And I had another mom come to me a couple of weeks ago saying that she thought that her son was autistic. And she was like, Well, I don’t even really know what to do. Because he hasn’t been diagnosed. And so what if do you have any suggestions for this situation? Because I guess he has, this little boy has signs, but she just doesn’t have the confirmation. So what would you tell somebody like that?

Marion Ninkyl  23:54

Or depending on their age? If they’re under three years old? I think he’s, I think he’s three. Okay. Okay. So he wouldn’t be able to get an evaluation from the school that’s in the district that has special ed, education, preschool, and then she would request an evaluation. So that’s because it depends on the age because there’s early intervention programs that she could have signed up for. But because he’s three years old, that’s usually the age that they age out of, like, as soon as they’re three doesn’t matter what time of year like it’s, they’re out pretty much and so this should there’s usually like a transition program process in which you meet with the school you discuss when you’ll have an evaluation. And so the school does the evaluation to determine if the child really needs special education like services, but for her for her to get in diagnosis, she’d have to talk to her doctor to refer her to a different developmental pediatrician, or a psychologist that specializes in diagnosing children with autism.

Rita Suzanne  25:14

Yeah, I remember when I went to my son’s doctor, his neurologist, and I told her that he was having problems in school. And they set him up right away for an evaluation. And that’s how he got recommended to the 504. So they set him up for this, I feel like it was a three or four, or we know several hours worth of testing that they did with him to see where he was on on certain abilities to learn. And that’s how they determined and that they would recommend that he has the fiber for initially to start. And then when he was still struggling, I went back to that doctor and said, he’s still he’s still having problems. And he said, well, then we need to escalate it to the IEP. So

Marion Ninkyl  25:57

I think if you went to the doctor or the school,

Rita Suzanne  26:00

it was the doc, I was the doctor first. Yeah. And then so once we got the paperwork from the doctor saying that they recommended this, then this school started implementing, but of course, the school wanted to do some of their own testing. Yeah, that’s

Marion Ninkyl  26:15

exactly what Yeah, because she had her diagnosis. And then when she was about to start this, when I told the school about it, they said they were going to do their own evaluation as well. So yeah, and so and also, there is a possibility, I just want to give your whoever is looking to, you know, have an evaluation for their child, there’s possibility the school will determine that your kid does is not eligible. And so there’s a process for that. And once you can go around that. And that’s what we discussed. During our time together during the program, we were talking about ways that we can get another evaluation that the school can cover the expense and then go from there.

Rita Suzanne  27:04

Yeah, versus just now feeling, I guess, I, you know, just obviously distraught, because they have no recourse and really no idea what to do next. It’s like,

Marion Ninkyl  27:16

all the school all is not lost.

Rita Suzanne  27:20

I don’t need it. So I must not need it. Right? Yeah,

Marion Ninkyl  27:22

you know, your child better. And you know, what your childhood, you know, what is people pull out and what they need help with the most. So don’t Don’t, don’t just take their word for it, you know, just, you know, do have that confidence that you know, your child and try to, you know, fight to get what they need to progress.

Rita Suzanne  27:47

Yeah, I feel like that with all the things like, even just trying to figure out what’s going on with my son for his visit, you know, his doctor, and I’ll say, you know, I’ll see something about epilepsy. And I’m like, Well, what about this? What can we test him for this? Can we test him for that? You know, because there has been no definitive answers. And so I’m constantly asking his doctor for more and more testing. And I think that if you don’t have the right doctor who’s not willing to, you know, do these things, then you probably should look for a new doctor,

Marion Ninkyl  28:20

that you’re exactly right, because I love that you mentioned that because it’s good to have good communication. And, and a lot of times, when we have these well visits for our child, it’s, it’s to track their development as well. So we want to make sure we’re answering correctly and more as accurately because if we’re saying, Oh, he’s finally satisfied, and he’s doing all the things, we’re kind of in denial, when we truly need that help, the doctor is gonna be like, you know, I don’t think he needs that, you know, so it is a possibility to like you said you’d, you would have to find a different pediatrician or someone who would listen to you most.

Rita Suzanne  29:01

Yeah, definitely. Because I think that that’s an important step in advocating for yourself and for your child, you know, is really finding someone who it’s pain to switch doctors, and because I have to drive my son two hours to go to the doctor, even if it’s just for a checkup for just for the neurologist, not his regular primary care, but two hours just to go up there. And we go up there several times a year just to get tested. So, yeah, it can be such,

Marion Ninkyl  29:32

you definitely have to do what you have to do to get the best care. Right, like,

Rita Suzanne  29:36

well, you know, what happened is when we went up there, and she started doing testing on him, and she said, Well, I don’t think that he needs surgery. And, you know, I was like, me neither. So how can I make you as primary? You know, so I switched it and he’s actually doing much better. So I’m hopeful that he’s going to To grow on this and then you know, it’ll be of his past. So if someone wants to meet with you and have a consultation, what is the best way for them to get in touch with you?

Marion Ninkyl  30:15

Well, they can email me at hello at you or advocate Or they can sign up for a free 60 minute clarity call at www that you are advocate and they can follow me on instagram same thing you are advocate where the viewer and you are advocate worthy handout.

Rita Suzanne  30:38

And it’s okay, all the links, be in the notes and everything. But before we go, since we talked a little bit about your providing self care for your clients, what are you doing Marian for yourself, because I mean, three kids, a husband and a business you have a lot going on.

Marion Ninkyl  31:00

Right? It is not easy. It really isn’t. It does help that their school age, I will say you know, it took me a while to get to this place to be honest, as far as you know, being okay with juggling a lot because I’ve I’ve learned to you know, pay attention to myself and care for myself, I cannot help my daughter who has all these appointments with specialists and my sons who have IEP meetings coming up and I have to help them, I just make sure I do things for me, you know, I do my regular routine. But I love I just tried to pick out one thing that I know I love I love skincare. So I try to find like the like the newest thing that I can try and this really enjoy that. And I love aromatherapy, like just little things, I know, I don’t really have time to have a spa day even though I’d love that. But I just know that you know, you know, even reading a chapter out of one of the books that I tried to finish, like, it just helps me just to kind of unwind. And that’s what i i wish were special newspapers that you know, you don’t have to take a lot of time just give yourself five minutes to breathe. Even if you can do that, that would help you so much and your child needs you, you know, your family needs you can’t pour from an empty cup. And like I said, it took a while for me to get here and realize that so I didn’t share this before my daughter is in the hospital. So I’ve been working to, you know, just do a lot of physical activity. And, you know, just to clear my head and it’s been working. So just moving more just Yeah, taking your time. And it has helped me to have a clearer head to really get home these doctors, because if I didn’t, you know, advocate if we didn’t, you know, insist on certain things. She’d be home and probably have to take her back. So she’s not leaving until we figure out what’s going on with her. And so and I’m able to be here and I’m so happy that I was able to make this appointment because I wouldn’t have cancelled it. But I’m glad you know, I’ve taken the steps to have that self care and to really navigate through it all. So

Rita Suzanne  33:17

I think it does help to just walk away. Um, I think that we have a tendency to dive deeper and sometimes into work because it helps distract us. But I think that it’s really not helpful at all. And so walking away. And so one thing that I like to do, instead of like, what do I do for self care, there’s a lot of stuff that I don’t do, and that for myself care is where well, so the things that I don’t do, I don’t wash my kids laundry. And if I don’t like cooking, I don’t cook, you know, my kids are old enough to where I can’t, I don’t have to wash their clothes, they’re, you know, they’ve been taught, you know, help with the chores they do, you know, they do a lot of things. And, you know, I feel like not doing something is just as valuable as doing something. So, you know, that gives us a lot of space because, you know, we’re always trying to do everything. So, Marian, you don’t have to do all the things.

Marion Ninkyl  34:18

I’m realizing that now, if I have delayed laundry, it got done by a delay. It’s not on the schedule,

Rita Suzanne  34:28

right? Only the must have done right? Yes. And then even isn’t this I have a list on my whiteboard over there that says up and these are the things that I don’t want to do anymore and that I’m slowly delegating to other people. And you know that helps me as well because I feel like oh, goodness least that is off my plate and I don’t have to worry about it anymore. Right? Yeah.

Marion Ninkyl  34:55

And just accepting help like some friends just like can we make good for you too? Don’t say no, I don’t want to talk to you and like, if you want to Yes,

Rita Suzanne  35:03

yeah. Yeah, I think that’s because we always want to like no I’m supermom I can do all the things I can do everything. Yeah. Just taking the help when when it’s offered is it’s hard sometimes so I get it. Yeah. All right. So again, tell us where everybody can find you on social or even on your website.

Marion Ninkyl  35:31

Right on Instagram you can follow me at and you are advocate worthy. On Facebook, same name, you are advocate worthy to book a free consultation. We call it the clarity call, where I get to listen to your concerns and we come up with a personal personalized plans that fit your needs and your child’s You can reach me. You could scheduled some time at WWW dot you are advocate

Rita Suzanne  35:59

Perfect. Thank you so much. It’s been such a pleasure chatting with you. And you know, I hope your daughter gets better soon.

Marion Ninkyl  36:07

Thank you. Thank you.

Rita Suzanne  36:11

And there you have it. I want to encourage you to remember that being a mom who runs her own business is not easy. We all struggle, but just keep moving forward. And don’t forget to make time for yourself. As moms we are usually the first thing to go to the bottom of the list. If your business is overwhelming you and you need real solutions, not just some sugar coated suggestions apply to work with me at

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