Miriam Campbell of Skills for Connection

Interview with:
Miriam Campbell
3 wonderful children ranging from age 4 to 3 months
Business name:
Skills for Connection
How did you come up with the name for your business?
I wanted my business to reflect my passion of providing parents with concrete skills to help their kids develop connection skills. I believe that it is something that every person can gain from and no one, including myself, is finished developing. I am inspired by the parents who have the humility, compassion, and strength to take their next step in developing their own skills to support their child's skills.

Tell us about your business.

I am a speech language pathologist and social worker. I worked as a teacher to have the opportunity to teach the skills I was providing in 1:1 sessions throughout the day. I provide school staff training on social and emotional development and integrating these skills throughout the day, but the bulk of my work is providing parents with coaching, training, and materials to support their child's social emotional development. I wrote a book Bubble Double to assist parents in introducing these concepts in an empowering and connecting way.

What or who has been your greatest influence in business and why?

I think my parents have inspired me to believe that everyone is always in the growth process. I am the 3rd of 9 kids and even when I was already in college, my parents were still open to learning about improving their already impressive parenting skills. This formed how I think about the growth process which strongly influences the way I work with the incredible parents.

What would you say is your greatest business success to date?

Whenever a parent shoots me an email telling me how effective the approach I taught them was. This just thrills me that people are gaining in connection because of what they are able to integrate and are inspired to do.

What is the greatest obstacle you have faced in your business?

I think focusing on one part of what I do is challenging. Should I focus mostly on schools, parents, or the kids directly? When I am working on sharing materials this conflict makes it hard to direct all my resources to spreading the word in a focused manner.

What are the things that help you stay organized and get things done?

I have set work hours when I have childcare coverage and usually have a list of to dos to accomplish. The time pressure of daycare finishing, the babysitter leaving, or bath time keep me focused.

Since you are also a mom, how do you balance everything?

I find that the work actually makes me a better mom. When I work all day with parents who are taking the next step to improve their kids skill development, I am re-inspired in my own parenting. I get to practice different scenarios with the different parents I work with so that is very supportive to me.

Do you think being a mom has helped you with the success of your business? if so, how?

Yes! I am more compassionate to the challenges of parenthood. Before I became a mother, it was easy to judge a parent who was not doing the exercises I would give her to work with at home. Now, I have only respect for the incredible parents who are investing time and money and energy and HEART to improve their skills!

What advice would you give to other moms who dream about starting their own business, but they don’t think they can do it all?

Make sure that whatever you are doing you are passionate about. Let your inner strengths be the fuel of your work. I am passionate about providing skills for other parents, so when I go back to home-life after working, I have just spent time tapping into my energy and talents. I am a better mother because I have spent time tapping into my strength!

Do you have any stories you’d like to share that may amuse, entertain or inspire others?

When I first wrote Bubble Double, everywhere I would go kids would say, "she is the bubble lady". My son was too young to understand it, but I could see the wheels click when he was finally old enough to read and understand the book. I have great pleasure when he quotes skills that I taught him back to me: "Mommy I need to take a deep breath" " I need to cry for another minute" He will sometimes tell me, "Mommy take a deep breath, you are ok!" 😉

FREE 10 MINUTE MEETINGS FOR PARENTS who want to ask social skill QUESTIONS. I also offer free social skills training! Email skillsforconnection@gmail.com 

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