Wearing Clean Beauty Products During chemo with Katiuscia Rosado

About the episode

In episode of the Mom Owned and Operated podcast, Rita Suzanne and Katiuscia Rosado discuss raising a family, running a business and remembering yourself.

Katiuscia Rosado is a MUA with more than 20 years of experience. She was born and raised in Switzerland, married and mom of an 8 year old princess.

A year ago Katiuscia decided it’s time to fulfill a dream of hers that she had for years. It’s always been very important to her to have clean makeup products.

Specially for women that are going thru Chemo, where they have to be so careful on what they use on their face. Her mission is to help them feel amazing during a very difficult time in their life.

Check out her Etsy store here: www.krcosmeticsus.etsy.com

Apply to work with Rita at ritasuzanne.com/apply/

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Show Notes
Rita Suzanne, Katiuscia Rosado

Rita Suzanne
Hi, this is Mahmoud and operated. I’m Rita Suzanne. And today I have my guest Katyusha with me. I’d love for you to tell us a little bit more about you, your family and your business.

Katiuscia Rosado
Hi, everyone. Thank you so much for having me today. My name is Katiuscia Rosado, I’m born and raised in Switzerland, and moved six years ago to the United States with my husband and my little daughter. I’m being a makeup artist. More than 20 years now always been in this industry. And since a year now I just made one of my biggest dream come true. Which is having an own makeup line.

Rita Suzanne
How do you decide like I just want to have my own makeup line began? It’s specific, right? Who’s your customer?

Katiuscia Rosado
My customers are women that go through chemo and post chemo. And how I got there. It’s not just from one day to the other. It’s a dream that I started already. When I started in the makeup industry, I always wanted to have makeup line that is completely clean. Working with so many products in seeing what is in there. It’s always been something that it was a no no to me, I always wanted something good. And also clean. And back 20 years ago, it was very difficult to find even something clean. I mean, yeah, talking clean beauty 20 years ago, it was not at all a conversation, it was not at all an option. And many people don’t know why it’s so important to have a clean beauty product.

Rita Suzanne
Well tell us why is it so important? I would I would love to. I mean, I use clean stuff, but

Katiuscia Rosado
that’s good. A lot of people don’t know why it is so important is important because clean beauty or not clean ingredients can even cause cancer, right? So sometimes you get a situation or an issue with your health, and you don’t know where it’s coming from, right, let’s say 75 to 80%. It’s because of the ingredients that we have in our cosmetic products in even what we eat. So it’s a combination of both and having a clean beauty product. I mean, let’s say you’re healthy person, you watch exactly what you eat. And that’s the way you should look exactly what ingredients are in your cosmetics, shampoos, makeup, vitamins, whatever you take collagen, it has to be clean.

Rita Suzanne
Yeah. And it’s such a challenge. I remember like I wasn’t into clean stuff. I didn’t even really know I had an educated myself about any of this stuff, like even natural deodorant or any of these things until after I had my son and then I just went and that he’s 12z now and I just went you know, I don’t want to say crazy but a little bit because I was like to the point of even making him like Cheez Its from scratch. You know, like I’m doing all the things from scratch so that I could control the ingredients. And you know, even you know, like you said finding organics and stuff like that it was hard even just 12 years ago the options were really slim and you know, I don’t I don’t think I was ordering a lot of stuff online at that time. It was just like whatever was in the store was all you had to choose from.

Katiuscia Rosado
Exactly. I mean a lot of people are also asking me how come that you focusing so deep into that, because I had it on my own skin. I I discovered things because of makeup products or even creams. I had a fake facial cream I was when I used to live in Switzerland. I used to have an old beauty spa and I was working on a daily basis for the facial creams toners serums and I was feeling kind of off and I didn’t know why I was like what is going on with me and when I went to the doctor he ah after making a several amount of tests, he discovered that my for mo D hide in eisele profile. It was way too high. Yeah. So a lot of companies. You have every country has a certain percentage of ISO profile and formaldehyde that you can have into your product. There are a A lot of companies in specially big brand companies, which could go over that percentage, they just put the, let’s say, 2% of formaldehyde in it. But in there is way more, right. I understand that this kind of ingredients can change or make it that wow f effect for the product. But at the end of the day, what we what we what they’re doing wrong is actually playing with our health.

Rita Suzanne
Yeah, I mean, the same thing with foods, right? Like there are just common foods that we would eat, you know, macaroni and cheese and whatnot that they that they make in the United States that have in in the same company, they have, you know, certain ingredients, and then they in Europe or wherever, where it’s not allowed for them to use those ingredients. They don’t use them, even though it’s the same manufacturer, but over here in the US, they they use what they can because one is cheaper. And you know, and people don’t. They don’t say much about it, right? It’s not an issue.

Katiuscia Rosado
Sometimes you go to the doctor, let’s say you have a cause of cancer. And the first thing you say it’s Oh, okay. It was now me or it happened now to me. But if you go deeper to find out why it happened. And not many do that. But what it happened to me and my mom also had cancer, and we had to look up, like the doctor told us, you have to look up what it’s in there. Even for me changing my whole cosmetic line in my in my beauty spa, it was financially a problem because I had to change the whole thing. And especially I didn’t want it to harm my customers, right? And I remember that one customer. She said, Why are you changing the whole line? I mean, why are you going out to this brand that I not even though, right? I was like because the auto brand was causing me problems. And eventually you as well, it went on went deeper into the conversation with her she was actually very appreciating the fact that I was taking care of them. And not only of myself.

Rita Suzanne
Yeah, but then it’s like the education, right? You’re educating them on why they need it. Because I feel like a lot of times we as we’ve been growing up, we just follow what our parents or you know, like our mom has shown us like this is okay to do or even to eat. And I know, some people will be like, Oh, well, we ate it when we were kids, like it’s fine. But the ingredients are different. They look the same, but it’s different. So same thing with makeup, you know, it’s like maybe it was fine then but in order to cut costs, or you know, whatever, they will add these ingredients that are harmful. And, you know, it’s definitely not good. So I like that you’re educating them. And that I guess that’s part of your business as well. Right?

Katiuscia Rosado
Yes, absolutely. Even though with my makeup line, every single product that I have, it’s it’s a story behind why I got that one. And why I created it. And I every customer that comes to me and buys it, I will educate them, how to use it and why to use it in that way. Absolutely.

Rita Suzanne
I love that. And so then it had to be such a hard process, especially having a daughter and a family to even start your own line. I mean, tell us like, what it was like to do that and like how what’s your average day look like?

Katiuscia Rosado
I mean, honestly, I have only daughter it’s sometimes it’s easier to manage when you only have one as when you have to work three, right? But I’m also a very lucky mom that she’s an amazing girl. And while she’s been with me since I was already working for myself, so she kind of is used to that process. And but now growing up there are some challenges especially now we COVID how are we going to manage the whole routine, right? I’m I always the advice that I give just take the day by day, don’t over calculate anything or just a program anything because sometimes when you program anything or something, it’s going the other direction, especially with kids so I just take day by day I have my schedule on when I do post or when I do talk about my products, or even doing my research and that is mostly when my daughter is in bed, so

Rita Suzanne
Oh, so you’re like burning the midnight oil and during the day you’re like agging and doing things with her?

Katiuscia Rosado
Yes. Also, I mean, she’s part of it. So and she loves to see it to watch it. And to see the different kinds of colors, especially as a girl. Yeah. Who doesn’t love that? Of course. I

Rita Suzanne
mean, you have your own little, you know, audience right there helping you. And, you know, I and I, and I know exactly what you’re saying, when I started my business, which was seven years ago, my boys were very young. And they and I almost kind of taught them and train them, like, this is what mommy’s doing. And they would sit beside me on the couch while I would be on my computer. And they were perfectly content, they understood what I was on a call, you don’t interrupt, and they were really young, like, you know, I think my little one was in pre K, you know, so four or five years old. And, but now I have my nieces too. And I’ve had to teach them that, you know, this is this is how I’m working. And just because I’m home doesn’t mean that I’m here to like play with you. If I’m sitting at my desk, it’s because I’m working. And so yes, it’s it’s a new thing, like teaching them how to, I guess support a parent who is it business owner.

Katiuscia Rosado
Yes. And absolutely. I mean, what I do like a video, she I tell her like, before, you know mommy’s doing a video, so you got to be quiet. She grabs a book, or she grabs her tablet, and on that time, so But she’s listening as well. And every time I finish, he tells me what she thinks about it. and nice. I mean, it makes me proud that my own daughter is like, Mommy, I mean, there are our biggest admirers. And she’s like, even she has a good critique. She’s like, Oh, I didn’t like that on. I would do it differently. She’s eight years old now. And she’s a little bit sassy.

Rita Suzanne
Yeah. Oh, I mean, it’s good, though. Because you get feedback from somebody who is really, you know, these kids are so driven by technology. Yeah, ways. So I think that the feedback is helpful, like, my kids have probably watched all my YouTubes and like interviews from a million years ago, and you know, and they’re just, you know, I think it’s funny to them when they watch me, but yeah, you know, it just lets them know what we’re doing and why we’re doing it.

Katiuscia Rosado
Absolutely. And nowadays with COVID is everything online. Everything goes through social media. Ansari. So it’s absolutely normal to be like that.

Rita Suzanne
Yeah. So what has been your biggest challenge in being a mom, business owner? And especially getting this lineup? I mean, this is new for you. Right? Has it been? You said, it’s been within the last year?

Katiuscia Rosado
A year. I started, right before COVID. I thought, wow, nothing would happen. But I’m very thankful of this challenge. I think my biggest challenge was really the COVID situation, right? How to manage a new business and make it through. Right, right. And as I’m a business owner, since more than 20 years, right, I had a break in between of six years. And now we’re we started something. So it’s like, I have people that say, oh, for you, it has to be easy now. Exactly. It’s not easy.

Rita Suzanne
Why would they assume that? It’s easy?

Katiuscia Rosado
Maybe because they say, Oh, you already been through that. So you know exactly what to do. But every business has their own challenges in every business is different and unique in their own way. And,

Rita Suzanne
and I know like for your family life, like you know, like, that’s everybody is unique there too. So they can’t just assume just because you have one child, that it’s easier than, you know, that’s

Katiuscia Rosado
what most think like, oh, one child, that’s peanuts. Is everything. Easy.

Rita Suzanne
She’s super sassy, though. So.

Katiuscia Rosado
But we do have our chat. We do have our bad days that everybody else has to. But I think just making money through a period of time where she’s so not sure what’s going to happen with us, right, what direction we’re going through. And I think the most important is how to pivot point in a different I mean, from a bad situation, take the positive out and make it work. If I can make it through this, I can make it in any situation, I would say so.

Rita Suzanne
Yeah, I mean, this this whole COVID thing has been so challenging, right? Because we’re trying to run our business and now we have to educate our kids and You know, they’re not being socialized. And you know, all of these factors are coming into play. And like, it might be, you know, there’s there’s different challenges when you have one child when you have multiple children, right? Because if you have one, they look to you to entertain them. Right. Which is hard. Because they, you know, they want to know, right. So I feel like that might be the, the challenge with having one, you know, yeah, it’s one, but at least my kids have each other to play with, you know, and each other. Yeah, even though you

Katiuscia Rosado
have to say fight. Yes, you have to make room for that one child, that she doesn’t feel like I’m left out and nobody’s paying me guys attention to me. Yeah. So there is some times that’s why it’s important to have a schedule to make some room as well for your kids, even though you’re working for yourself from home. Right. And but I think these challenges is not only for somebody who is working for itself, as well, somebody that works for a different kind of company. Right? They have to do the same thing.

Rita Suzanne
Yeah, I mean, just just, I never wanted to be a homeschooling mom. And for moms that do that, like you are my hero, because I got to really witness what it was like to have your kids at home all the time while you’re running a business, and have to help them with their schoolwork. And I never want to do that like never. It was it was just so it’s so much it’s so stressful. And you know, so hard to to do. And so like you said, if we can do you know, get through this time and get through this period? And then I think that we can do we can do anything? So I agree. Absolutely. So, so your biggest challenge was to COVID. And opening a new business and trying to get it out there I’m sure is just as challenging, you know, because it’s new. And now like you said before, it was hard because there wasn’t much of a market. But now, I mean, is there a lot of competition for you? And

Katiuscia Rosado
I mean, competition, when we talk about makeup, there’s a lot of competition out there. Right? It all depends how I mean, I have a specific target. And I have a specific customer that I want to work with. Right? I’m not just one more artists, right, with one more makeup line, I have a mission. And that mission is to help as much as I can with my serve my service or my knowledge as a makeup artist. And as well, what I have. And I think that what it makes me different as all the other makeup artists out there.

Rita Suzanne
Well, I love I love that you are serving a specific target, you know, because that’s my thing is like always, it’s hard for people to niche down, right? They feel like they can serve everybody. But when you are targeting this one particular client, then it’s easier for you to market, right? Because everything is you can speak to that person. And that doesn’t mean you’re saying oh, well, if you’re not going through chemo than I can’t or haven’t been through it, then you can’t by myself. No, I’m just saying like, these are the people who I’m marketing to.

Katiuscia Rosado
Right? Absolutely. And I think personal experiences is what helps you to make it better. I know exactly what I’m talking to. And I know how their skin is reacting, I know what they have to use what they cannot use. Sometimes it’s just making a little difference in their daily routine, it doesn’t mean that they have to wear makeup just to look like a fancy makeup artist or those eye. Makeup moguls that we see on Instagram or in social media, right is just making their life a little bit easier. We’re looking better, because at the end of the day, everybody if we look out ourselves into the mirror, even when we don’t have or going through cancer, and we just look like look, right. You don’t feel well. Yeah. But if you know exactly, and you have the tools, how to make that little change. You look at yourself in a different way and you start to feel also differently, especially in cancer feeling differently, and how to get better adult right. healing and getting better.

Rita Suzanne
Yes, yeah. So because you’re trying to help other moms and you know, the whole premise behind this is, you know, what is it You know, what’s your story and running a business, raising a family, but also remembering yourself? So what do you do to remember yourself because a lot of times, you know, we push ourselves to the bottom,

Katiuscia Rosado
I usually have my self love or let’s say like my, my temporary dates, which is kippy, a Saturday or Sunday with my husband takes our daughter for a half day away or a couple hours, it depends what I need. It’s not always the same. Sometimes it’s a whole day, and sometimes it’s a couple of hours, right? But I’ll take that time to do something good for me, is it a walk? Or is it just having a good facial mask, a pedicure, or doing my nails going to the hair. So just doing something that I saw I I feel recharged and and I feel better?

Rita Suzanne
Yeah. And it’s so important to because the, the, when you feel better than it makes everything else easier, especially, you know, for your kids, you’re not reactive, you know, like you’re, you’re just performing a lot better when we take care of ourselves. And like I said, I think that we often forget ourselves because as moms we are conditioned to put everybody before us, right? Yes. And so I think that that’s something that we need to really just stop doing. And you know, just remember that it would be a lot better if you would do something for yourself even if it’s just something little in the moment, you know, go sit in a car for five minutes, you know, like give yourself a break you know,

Katiuscia Rosado
even a coffee with a friend or just a walking with a friend that you can not talk mommy stuff or they you hear the word mommy for a long time.

Rita Suzanne
Or like venting, venting to a friend you know sometimes about how frustrated you are is, you know, helpful to you know, like, let me you know, I You will not believe how much of a turd I have right now. You know what I mean? Like my kid is such an asshole and I have to tell somebody so you know, just having somebody as a teammate and who can really help you I think is helpful too. Absolutely. Yeah. So where can everybody find you online?

Katiuscia Rosado
I have a online store which is an Etsy store on WWE dot k r cosmetics us.xe calm and social media. I am also on the care of cosmetics they can find me on Instagram as well as care cosmetics us. Perfect. Well,

Rita Suzanne
thank you so much kashia for I said it wrong but for stopping by and I appreciate it. It was so great to meet you and talk to you. I thank you so much. Have a great day.

Rita Suzanne
And there you have it. I want to encourage you to remember that being a mom who runs her own business is not easy. we all struggle but just keep moving forward and don’t forget to make time for yourself. As moms we are usually the first thing to go to the bottom of the list. If your business is overwhelming you and you need real solutions, not just some sugar coated suggestions apply to work with me at ritasuzanne.com/apply/

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