Learning to Love Your Voice with Melissa Del Toro Schaffner

About the episode

In episode of the Mom Owned and Operated podcast, Rita Suzanne and Melissa Del Toro Schaffner discuss raising a family, running a business and remembering yourself.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner is an American Voice Actor and co-creator/producer/narrator of the short story sci-fi audio drama podcast, Untold Tales.

Her educational background as an Electrical Engineer and Project Manager, as well as her newest role as a Mother, helps her emote for a very broad range of roles and characters in various genres.

In addition to being in the Mom after 40 club, she wears multiple hats including international best selling author, accomplished Accountability Coach, and creator/ illustrator of the Minority Girl Empowerment Coloring Book “Careers for Little Sisters” (available in English and Spanish).

Melissa was also a contestant on the nationally televised game show “Who Wants to Be A Millionaire” and has volunteered her voice for numerous educational materials the Learning Ally in NYC – recording audiobooks for Blind and Dyslexic students. Her current mission to inspire one million women to live the life of their dreams.

You can connect with Melissa through her website.

Apply to work with Rita at ritasuzanne.com/apply/

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Show Notes
Rita Suzanne, Melissa Del Toro Schaffner

Rita Suzanne
Welcome to the mom owned and operated podcast, the podcast about moms and for moms, where we have candid conversations about running a business, raising a family, and remembering ourselves. I’m your host, Rita Suzanne, a single mom of four, digital strategist, and provider of no nonsense business strategies and tactics. Hi, this is mom owned and operated. I’m Rita Suzanne. And today, we have my friend Melissa with us. Hey, Melissa, tell us a little bit about you, your family and your business. Thank you so much.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Well, thank you so much Rita, for having me today. And thank you everybody, for listening. I promise it’ll be worth your while. I am a voice actor, and the narrator of a short story sci fi podcast called untold tales. So for all of you moms who are fellow nerds, it’s gonna be interesting for you. Um, so yeah, I’m an electrical engineer turned voice actor. So that’s basically where I am in the world right now.

Rita Suzanne
And your family? Well, I actually got married when I was 40 years old, 40 years young. To my husband for my first marriage. And I had my first my first and only daughter.

Rita Suzanne
I really like another one. But But I’m 47. And it’s like, right. It’s a lot to do. 47 a lot. It’s a lot. But um, so I have a almost five year old daughter now her name is Daisy. And we live in Phoenix, Arizona. Oh, you’re so lucky. Because it’s so warm.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Most of the year, it’s actually a little too warm. I’m gonna be honest.

Rita Suzanne
Oh, yeah, I know. But so as I mentioned, I lived in California for 15 years, and I just loved it. I loved it so much, because I could go hiking every day. But the thing is, is that if you don’t go early in the morning, oh, you’re gonna regret your life. You know? It’s it’s, it’s horrible. And you know, so it’s like, either in the morning or at night. Otherwise stay inside.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Why is everything for moms in the morning? Like, we need our sleep? Like I need to sleep and yet everything that you know needs to happen is like between four and seven. I’m sleeping. I’m sleeping. I am sleeping.

Rita Suzanne
Yeah, no, I completely agree. It’s always everybody’s like, oh, get up earlier and do all the things I can’t I can’t do it. I’m not gonna do it, people. But um, okay. So as I mentioned, I am so curious. What is a voiceover actor voice?

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Well, actually, it’s interesting. You say it that way. Because this is a discussion within the voice acting community, which is actually an acting community. That’s also a big controversy right now. So they call it voice acting, or voiceover artist, or voice acting. It’s, there’s no standard term, right? The craft, but it is acting and basically, voiceover is any voice that you hear without a body attached to it. That’s a voiceover

Rita Suzanne
like audio books since and things like that.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Yes. audio books. Whenever you watch YouTube, and you hear somebody talking, but you don’t see their mouth moving. That’s a voiceover any transportation when you hear announcements on transportation, any commercial you hear on the radio, like if you think about it, you hear voiceovers probably every 30 seconds all day, like right on and half the time. One of the interesting things about this profession is that basically, you’re anonymous, most of the time, nobody knows who you are. And you know the voice of all of the Alexa Siri, all of those things cartoon, every cartoon your kid watches is a voiceover. It’s a voice actor. So you don’t realize how much performances touch your life, like on a minute by minute basis, they determine what you’re going to buy, what you’re going to eat, what you’re going to wear, you know what you’re going to watch on Netflix, like it’s amazing.

Rita Suzanne
True. I mean, even even for audiobooks to go back to that a little bit. If I buy an audio book, and the person reading it is boring, or sounds computers. I don’t I’m not going to finish it. I’m definitely I’m not even probably going to get through the first chapter. Because it’s boring. I usually like to I like them when it’s the actual author because they know the emphasis and they know, they know, but I’ve had some other ones that are pretty good.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Yeah, well, you know, it’s surprising because sometimes the author isn’t the best person to perform their work depending. Like I know this one woman she published a book and she did her audio book and she said it was important to her to be in her own book. Because she’s Latina, and her voice you know her audience. Exactly. But, for instance, the author that I work with, with the untold tales, podcast, he is a retired he’s done everything like he’s been a fighter pilot. He’s been an engineer. He’s been a cartoonist, like he did everything.

Rita Suzanne

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Yeah, he’s amazing, but he’s his voice. He’s like, please, you would not listen to me for more than two seconds.

Rita Suzanne
So cuz it’s like, like, gravelly or just not appealing,

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
you know, as of maybe a voice like this. Don’t want to listen to it for like, a half an hour for an hour.

Rita Suzanne
No, you, couldn’t you.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
I’m exaggerating. But I’m just saying like some voices lend themselves better. Like there may be more chocolate a smooth, delicious, to listen to.

Rita Suzanne
I know, one of my one of my guests yesterday, she had the most like, relaxing, cute little voice. I was just like, oh, like I felt so soon, you know, listening to her so relaxed, so I could see how that would be. So it’s interesting, because I know somebody else who’s a voiceover artist, right. And she, and I just never really understood what she what she offered and how it related to business. So you know, it’s like our type of business entrepreneur and what she was providing. Yeah, I love to hear your explanation of it, because it actually helps me understand how that would be important.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Yeah, well, you know, I have an S corporation. So I am a corporation, I file all the paperwork in Delaware. And my company is Melissa Del Toro International, that’s my entity. So just like I could offer services, I could hire people just like any other company. But the services that I provide would be audio services. So you know, there’s a lot of different places you can find work as a voice actor, a lot of people will go to, you know, voices comm or pay to plays. And, you know, they’ll say, you know, I need a voiceover for this little explainer video, you know, one minute, explainer video, and people understand the product, I think, but we as voice actors have to market ourselves, we have to do you know, all the direct marketing, you have to do your demos and put them out there, demos are basically an audio resume of what you can do. So voice actors can work in commercials. So you’d have a commercial demo, they can work in animation. So you’d have like an animation or cartoon demo of all the voices you can do, right? And one of the things that they want to see as an actor is breadth of character. Like, what are all the different voices you can do? Can you do tiny little points? Or you know, like, can you do big voices or whatever? And can you hold the performance in that voice? Right? Right, right. So you can do audiobooks like you had mentioned. And you would have an audio book, you know, resume, audio resume, which would be a demo. So there’s a lot of different genres, video games, right? You name apps, you know, all the apps on your kids, Amazon Fire or their, you know, their tablet or whatever, all of those, all of them have voiceover. So it just, wow, it’s just such a massive industry that, you know, I think that we don’t even think about, yeah, toys, everything was a voice in it.

Rita Suzanne
That’s awesome. I mean, I because then it’s, you know, you can break into whatever industry you really want, I guess,

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
you know, totally can and then, you know, just to wrap up the back end of the question, because I’m sure people are like, Okay, well, fine. So you go out there, you email somebody, you get work, well, then you have to do the work, you have to invoice for the work, you have to record the work, you have to pay taxes, just like any other business. So it’s basically running the operations, marketing, finance, accounting, everything of a business.

Rita Suzanne
Yeah. And but and then it’s even more challenging because you have your daughter and all of these other responsibilities. So tell us like, What does one of your average days look like?

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Oh, well, I will tell you this. The inner game, the mental game of entrepreneurship, and starting your own business is much more important. Yes, anything you actually do in a day. So it’s more important what you believe what you can accomplish, then the actual busy work of the day. So I will say it looks different for everyone for us. I wake up when my body wakes up, like I don’t put any pressure on myself, like I didn’t incorporate to get up at 630 and did it unless I have you know, important podcast interview or something like that, or, or a client, you know, recording or something like that. But usually get up. Do all the things meals, dishes, everything like that. I’ll throw some laundry in. Basically my day is tired. Around the quiet times, because that’s when I have to record. So I have a professional home studio that I built, that’s, you know, 360 sound treated. And I have my microphone that you can see if you’re watching the video portion of this podcast, and all the equipment. But in a day, if I know I have to record, I live under the flight path of Luke Air Force Base.

Rita Suzanne
Oh, well, no wonder you built your studio.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
No. So I have to think about they usually run drills starting at about 11 o’clock and airplane noise and a recording which I’m sure Rita you know, because you do recording for your living too. It leaves a low rumble noise that rips a hole through all the audio. So basically, I have to record long recording like audio books, e learning, you know, anything I have to do for a long time, I have to get my kid out of the house to grandma’s or to weather dad. Yeah. And then I have to block out that time shut off all the heaters, the air conditioning, any motors that are in the house, I have to shut them off. So you can imagine in Phoenix in the summer, you’re in a bang, yeah, I have to like, super cool it to like 50 degrees, like I super cool it down and I shut off the air conditioning, and then I start working.

Rita Suzanne
Yeah. And then you start sweating.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
And this is for everybody. There’s no booth out there. That’s perfect. And I’m sure anybody who podcasts knows the feeling. So that’s the answer to the question is that I basically just, you know, work around the times that I need it to be quiet, and then I just adjust accordingly. And the most important thing I tell you as a mom is to always plan for the next day, the night before. Because then when you wake up, you know what you’re doing, right? So once everyone’s asleep, even if you’re in your bed, you know, 11:30pm with your phone, just type out what you have to do tomorrow, or if you’re more organized, you can use a sauna, or right Just make sure you know what’s due, what’s coming up. You know, and I also put things in there. Like if, if my kid needs something, I also make sure to make it like into the calendar too. That’s a good idea now because you know, anything, anything you have to do mix it in,

Rita Suzanne
so you can be realistic with your expectations of what you’re actually going to accomplish for the day. So is that part, that’s also part of like setting boundaries, which you said, You’re super good at with your clients, which I love. Because sometimes that’s the hardest part is setting the boundaries with the client, right? Because you want to make them happy, you want the experience to be good. And so sometimes I can see boundaries going way out of line, but I feel like that’s part of you know, taking care of yourself as well. So this podcast is more about running a business, raising a family and remembering yourself. So with that in mind, what do you do or recommend in order to remember yourself?

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
So I’m gonna be honest, I mean, I always come last, right? I mean, I know that people who don’t have kids say put, and I used to say put yourself first and and it was true. But honestly, you do have to put yourself first in that you can’t like fall apart because I didn’t can care of anyone. But I would say, setting boundaries with your clients is the most important thing with contracts, like don’t be afraid to make them sign a contract and give you some money before you even start working. Because that establishes that you’re professional, that your time is valuable. And that you know you have picked up this piece of time and set it aside for this person. And you want them to really respect that. Because when they don’t when they think you’re just working all night long and all day, they’ll just keep throwing things at you. So you say I am taking this piece of very precious time and giving it to you. And you know,

Rita Suzanne
and this is what I’m going to do. And I think that the end if that’s easy, that’s not that hard for them to acknowledge, you know, this is what we agree upon.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Yeah. And also just telling them what it takes. So, a lot of times people are surprised by the rate of voiceovers or like that’s so expensive. It’s just a two minute video, why does it cost so much money? And it’s like, sometimes you have to educate like, if you’re a photographer, or if you’re, you know, an editor, you have to say, Okay, I have to do all the Communications of the project. So that’s part of the project. I have to upload and download your stuff. I have to record it, and then I make mistakes and I have to re record it and have to send it back and forth. So actually, two minutes may take an hour. Right, right.

Rita Suzanne
And and you know, and because they want it to be perfect. If you want it to be right, then it is going to take that detailed, you know, look at it. So, okay, so you have to do something for yourself, Melissa, I know.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
It’s true. So, um, well, I make sure to hydrate. That’s the one thing I have to do because as a narrator, it’s a very surprisingly, physical job.

Rita Suzanne
Speaking from your diaphragm, right?

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
You’re just using saliva. It’s just churning, right? I’m staying hydrated, for sure, for sure. My self care that I do is mental mostly is like, meditation is like, I do a lot of law of attraction and just, you know, visualizing and really monitoring my, my mind and where my mind is going. And my attitude. Because I think as moms, we our attitude establishes the attitude of everyone in the family. So if we’re unhappy, everybody is going to be I don’t know if this podcast is PG. Totally bitchy. Right, exactly. Totally bitchy. But if you if you’re giving out those stressed vibes to your kids, like, don’t be surprised if they come back to you just with an attitude, right? behavior. So I really try like, whenever my daughter is sounding the alarm, I just stop. And I’m like, okay, I can tell you any love right now? No, we shut everything off. We do whatever it is she needs. It’ll take like 10 minutes of my day, just not feel but for myself, just monitoring my inner game. And making sure I eat all the meals. Right? Make sure I tell everybody what I need to tell them and I’m not holding emotions inside. Like, that’s important too. Yeah. Like with my husband or with my clients or just like, coming from a place of love. Like, look, you know, like, I’m a person too. And I have feelings, right? You can’t be treating me like that. Because I don’t even treat people like that, you know? Right, right.

Rita Suzanne
Yeah, I love that too. Because that’s important. I think that a lot of times people is moms will kind of internalize their feelings, especially to those close around them. And then that can just lead to even more problems down the line. That’s why I love journaling, because it has helped me discover so much about myself and why I react to certain situations. And a know it also helps me with a goal setting and things like that. But I think it’s so important to do at least something for yourself in like you said, sometimes in the moment is the best time because it’s like, Okay, I’m feeling stressed out, let me go for a walk. Let me take five minutes to like, go sit in my car, let me do something, you know, for myself so that I can come back to you. In a way that is the most healthy way?

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Yeah, I’ve done it to my daughter. I’ve said, I’m putting here and I’m putting you in your room to protect you from me. Right, right. Right now I feel out of control. I’m angry. I’m hungry. Right?

Rita Suzanne
And you know, I need a timeout, but I just need you to go to your room so I can have my timeout.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Wait, it’s like, and it’s also when we teach our kids that we need a timeout to it sort of creates a safe space in our home to have emotions. Like, it’s okay to cry, it’s okay to be angry with me. It’s okay to be stressed. It’s okay to be overly like, crazy excited about something, you know, but like not everybody’s in the same place at the same time. So I just always want her to feel like she can talk to me. And, you know, like, that’s self care too, for me to feel like my kid can talk to me.

Rita Suzanne
Right? Because I felt like when I was a kid, I you know, I felt like my mom would not my mom specifically but I felt like my feelings were being stifled a lot.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
You know, it’s like cry, right?

Rita Suzanne
Don’t cry. You be quiet and listen to what I’m saying, you know, versus last having a conversation and going back and forth with it. And but like you sometimes I get so angry, I’m just like, No, no, no, go. We’ll come back to this in a half hour, please leave me, you know, because I have four kids, and they’re preteens teen and so you know, it’s 10, 11, 12, 13. So, you know, they’re in a very emotional state. Sometimes, and especially now with them all being home. And then you know, the lack of socialization is really could be you know, because I’m like their friend, you know, and they want to come and tell me all the things that they would probably normally tell their friend about, you know, which I I like you know, I want them to feel that they can tell me anything. But it’s also draining for me as well, you know,

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
so and you don’t want to be ungrateful in their childhood because we only go through this. They’re only one once. They’re only two ones. They’re only 13. Right once and you don’t want to miss that by being like a total. Yeah, right and

Rita Suzanne
or like, or like being so busy with work that you don’t even experience life, which is why I feel like most moms always come last, you know, because we are just programmed to think that everybody else should come before us. And, and that’s not the case. Like, we really do need to take care of ourselves as well. Even if it does mean the timeout, you know, every morning I locked myself in my room for a straight hour, I’m like, I turn on my music. And I’m like, I’m getting dressed, leave me

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
It’s funny, because I get so resentful with my, with my husband, because he can leave the house in work. Or he can go close himself in the room and work and, and it can be quiet for him for multiple hours. But then I think to myself, I built my business this way, like I built this. So if I’m not happy with it, then I need to look at myself, right? It’s not his fault that I built my business this way.

Rita Suzanne
I don’t want to end men, they just say think about stuff in a totally different way. They don’t feel that same drain as as we do typically. Right? Like they don’t feel guilty. They don’t have the dad guilt typically.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
But they also take care of the kids a lot differently. Like he’ll, I’ll go and he’s sleeping. And she’s playing and I’m like,

Rita Suzanne
Hey, how are you watching? I know, I know. And like my kids when they go to my ex husband’s house. And I’m just like, you know, they he just, he’s more fun than me. You know, like, we’re responsible for the responsible ones. Yeah, you know, and they get to be not always but they you know, get to be the fun one. Yeah.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
So that’s so funny. I don’t know if you watch cartoons, but I’m all about cartoons. And there’s this new cartoon called Bluey. I don’t I haven’t seen it. Okay, maybe because your kids are older. But it is totally like, there was one episode where the dad went to the pool and he took the kids, you know, on a whim, let’s go to the pool. And then the kids are saying I’m hungry. Well, I didn’t bring food. I’m thirsty. Well, I didn’t bring any drinks. You know, the mom shows up at the end with the drinks and all the things. Right. Right. boring, but we need her you know, exactly.

Rita Suzanne
And but I feel like too, like we are you know, sometimes a disciplinarian, but also like the nurturer. You know, like, especially like for me, because I’m single, you don’t have to be all the things for everybody all the time, which is, you know, it can be so exhausting. So what is what has been like your biggest challenge since you started your business? How long have you been in business?

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Oh, it’s a really long, interesting story that I’m sure no one wants to hear.

But, um, so I’ve been in business for six years, I started my business in New York City. I was an electrical engineer. And I was working in Manhattan in a big high rise making a lot of money. And I had my Jerry Maguire moment, one day when, you know, yeah, one of the managers came to me and basically just straight up, told me a bunch of lies in my face, and I threw my notebook at him and left crying.

Rita Suzanne
Oh, so you did not get up and say who’s coming with me?

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
I, it was pathetic, because I even had like the sweater trailing from the back of my clothes. Like, I just wrapped it around my waist. And yeah, it was so sad. But, um, but I’ve had my business for six years. I started it without a plan, actually, because I was just like, I can’t work for anybody. Like, I have my MBA, my electrical engineering, engineering degree, I have my project met, and it’s like, everybody else is setting my value. And, like, I was just looking forward, like, I’m never, I’m always gonna be held down. Right? And I was like, that’s not acceptable. Like, I have so much more to offer. And I have so many more people I want to reach and these people don’t even appreciate cartoons.

Rita Suzanne
Right, right. I know. And I felt the same way. I’m like, I’ve hit a ceiling, like I’m not going anywhere else unless I get out of bow. So when I just spend time with my kids, I wanted to be home with them. Little did I know how much work it takes. But, um, you know, so I literally, like took a leap, just like you just said, you know, had been I had been wanting to, but I just didn’t know and I you know, talk about how do you do it? Like, well, I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up, you know? So I had to kind of you know, just take baby steps and figure it out before I took the leap because I am a control freak. So

probably a lot of people listening to this podcast Are you know, probably a lot like

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Us where they want to have control over their life. They want to find a way to work for themselves without having to be guilty for working really hard. And then somebody says, Oh, you were late five minutes, right.

Rita Suzanne
Or having to ask to take your kid to the doctor. You have no. Right. And if you don’t have any time off, like, you’re not getting paid for that, you know? Certainly, thanks.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
I don’t even understand how we’re supposed to do two jobs simultaneous. Well, more than that, because having a significant others, too.Yeah. But, I mean, anyway, we could probably have a million our conversation.

Rita Suzanne
Of course. So let me say, Oh, my gosh, I lost lost my train of thought.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Well, you were asking me how I start how long ago I started my business.

Rita Suzanne
Oh, because I was asking you how, what is like, what’s been the biggest challenge that you faced since you started your business?

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Since the start my business? Well, the biggest challenge I have been facing is Who do I serve? I’m not gonna lie to you like that. People ask me that, like any program that you buy right now, anybody listening, any program you buy from a coach, the first thing they’re gonna ask you is, who do you serve? And how do you help? That’s what they’re gonna ask you and I, I have frickin No idea. Like, I’m still trying to figure it out, like, who do I serve? How do I help? Because, much like, probably everybody listened to this. I’m a very multi passionate person. So there’s a lot of things I could do to help, right.

Rita Suzanne
But the problem is, I’m not I’m not a coach, but I am a designer. And branding is my thing. And so part part of it, the first thing is really finding out who your target audience is. And I have a freebie about all about it. I’ll link it below. And then you and I can go over it after I would love it four questions. And once you answer those questions, you’ll be able to really hone in, I think, the results are better when you do it with somebody else so that they can actually really pull from you because a lot of times when you do it by yourself, you are just saying the cookie cutter answer that you think everybody wants to hear.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Everyone, I hear everyone, everyone I talked to who like on these networking events, zoom networking, everyone’s like, I serve everyone, like their insurance agents, whoever you’ll send to me, I serve everyone. Well, okay.

Rita Suzanne
So yeah, the problem is, is that and this is what I recommend is there’s this thing called the power of one. And so when you define the power of one, which is the one person who is your target, then you’re able to like really write your content to them speak to you find them online, right, and figure out what they want, how they how you need to serve them, how you can meet and exceed their expectations by just targeting that one person. But that doesn’t mean you’re gonna like throw everybody off. It’s just that this is who my target is. And that’s who I’m writing for. That’s who I’m speaking to. That’s who I want to bring into my business. Right?

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Well, let me ask you this, Rita, because maybe you can give some live quote, unquote, coaching, because so I am a voice actor. And I have several different audiences that I work with, because I am very much into female empowerment. So a lot of my content is based on empowering women to go like what we’re talking about right now. Like, go for it, like go after your dreams, Carpe Diem kind of stuff. But I also have my podcast, which is a sci fi podcast, which is not everyone’s cup of tea. So it’s like, would you recommend different like, when you post for the different things you sort of like speak to the different audience? Or are you just putting out the female empowered sci fi people?

Rita Suzanne
It’s really hard, because, you know, it is two different audiences. But I mean, is it though, because your sci fi could be appealing to like you said, some females are into that. And so audiences women? Yeah, so maybe you’re speaking to the female, the female person who’s into this sci fi stuff, you know, but if it’s a totally different audience, then I wouldn’t, you know, you have to get to a different platform. Otherwise, you seem like you’re confused. We are posting, and then they read it, and they’re like, what the hell is she talking about?

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
If you want to follow my Instagram, you can DM me.

Rita Suzanne
You know, so I because I’ve seen people’s feeds, like even people that I’ve followed for a long time, and then all of a sudden, they start going off on tangents, where they’re totally different. And then they come back to their original thing, and then, you know, they go off and they come back and, and it just seems very, like confused. They seem very confused. You know, and so it just needs to be, you just really need to speak to that one person and that one person could be the same person for the sci fi and the client, right?

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
So if you’re multi passionate, it doesn’t mean you’re confused. And if you’re confused, that doesn’t mean you’re multi passionate tonight.

Rita Suzanne
Like, that’s what I’m saying when you once you figure out who your person is that might have the same interest because I find it that a lot of times your person is you. Yeah. who, you know, who hasn’t, you know, gotten to where you are right now.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
That’s true. That’s true. I heard it said once that your ideal client is you five years ago? Yeah. That’s what I heard.

Rita Suzanne
Yeah, I mean, it’s true. It can’t they can be and, you know, obviously, they can, you know, I have a lot of clients who are the similar, they’re mostly health and well, coaches and creators. But that doesn’t mean that’s all of my clients haven’t always fallen within those categories. You know, so it doesn’t mean I don’t serve men, but mostly my clients have been females. Right. Wow. We talked, we talked a lot. I know. So So anyways, we just branched off into a whole branding thing. But, um, Melissa, tell everybody where they can find you online?

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Absolutely. Well, the best place to find me and all of my socials would be on my website at HTTPS. It’s a secure website, colon forward slash forward slash www. Melissa del toro.com. That’s Melissa with one Ellen two s’s Del Toro with one L and one r

Rita Suzanne
always get that and I’ll link it below so you know, people who are actually watching cango straight there. And then are you on social you’re on Instagram?

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
I am. So the two places I’m most active are on Instagram and linked in. Do also I do also post to my Facebookprofile business profile, but Instagram is probably the place where you can get to know me the most intimately, right?

Rita Suzanne
Yeah, you know, different platforms, different content, but again, this speaks to the power of one and where your people are, but yeah. Okay, thank you so much for stopping by and I loved getting to know you.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Thank you so much. It was wonderful getting to know you and your audience. Thank you, Rita.

Rita Suzanne
And there you have it. I want to encourage you to remember that being a mom who runs her own business is not easy. we all struggle but just keep moving forward and don’t forget to make time for yourself. As moms we are usually the first thing to go to the bottom of the list. If your business is overwhelming you and you need real solutions, not just some sugar coated suggestions apply to work with me at ritasuzanne.com/apply/

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